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X1/Y2 Ceramic Disc SAFETY Capacitors for Tube Electronics
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Features and Specifications:

  • X1/Y2 Ceramic Disc Safety Capacitor for high voltage circuits. Y5V dielectric.
  • Ideal for both "line-to-ground / line by-pass" and "across-the-line" applications.
  • Safety Approved by UL (USA) UL1414; CSA (Canada); SEMCO, SEV, FIMCO, NEMCO, DEMCO, VDE (EN132400 / IEC60384-14).
  • Coated with epoxy resin for superior heat, humidity and solvent resistance.
  • Long 27mm radial leads for easy "under chassis" installation.
  • Insulation Resistance: 10,000 megaohms (min), measured at 500VDC.
  • Operating Temperature Range: -30C to +85 C.
  • Rated Voltages: 250 Volts AC for use in USA, Canada and Worldwide
  • Test Voltage: 2500 Volts AC for 1 full minute !
  • Capacitance : Available at 0.001uF, 0.0022uF, 0.0047uF and 0.01uF. (we carry X2 Safety Capacitors where higher uF values required)
  • For use in circuits where alternating, pulsating, intermittent and high steady voltage exists.
  • Capacitor Tolerance : +/- 20%.
  • Economical and compact compact size for easy installation in tube audio/electronics.

schematic_diagrams Capacitors and Schematics for Antique Tube Radios

X1/Y2 Safety Recognized Ceramic Disc Capacitors are specifically made for high voltage AC (alternating current) applications. X1Y2 safety capacitors are versatile and can safely be used as both "line bypass / line to ground" and "accross-the-line" capacitors". These line rated (AC-rated) capacitors meet the safety requirements of safety standard organizations world-wide. Back When your vintage tube radios/hi-fi/amps/TV's were manufactured, X1/Y2 safety capacitors had not been invented. To IMPROVE the RELIABILITY your tube electronics (and for the safety of your family and home), replace your old/original paper/wax line filter capacitors with new safety approved capacitors. Would you would like to learn more about safety capacitors? Here is a link to ABC's of Safety Capacitors.
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JustRadios Safety Capacitors:
Address: USPS Shipping Address (all USA & Overseas Mailings): David Cantelon (JustRadios), Niagara Falls, New York, USA
Email: justradios@yahoo.com
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