antique_radio_schematics Capacitor Shopping Cart - Mobile Friendly
(Poly Film, Electrolytic, Silver Mica & Safety)

The below Capacitor Cart is our New "Modile Friendly" Capacitor Cart.
Desktop users may wish to use our Traditional Desktop Friendly Cart

  • Minimum capacitor/resistor order is $30.00 (US$).
  • Credit Card and Paypal payments accepted but cart is NOT administered by Paypal.
  • For orders $30 to $100 fixed rate world-wide shipping is just $8.90 USD. Orders over $100 USD get free shipping.
  • Free world-wide airmail shipping on all Capacitor orders over $100 (US$)
  • 10% discount on all Capacitor orders over $150 (US$). (excluding Resistor & Capacitor kits)
  • All Capacitor & Resistor Orders - Money Back Guarantee
  • All USPS shipments go out Tracked & Insured 1st class Airmail from Niagara Falls, New York, USA.
  • To add Resistors to your Capacitor order, please use our Resistor Shopping Cart
  • Minimum Order is just $30.00 plus shipping.

    Tubular Axial & Radial Film Capacitors
    400V, 630V, 1000V, 1600V, 6000V


    Electrolytic E-caps, Silver Mica & Tubing
    Ecaps 25V to 600V (Axial, Radial & Cans)

    1) 630V Orange/Brown Dip Poly Film Capacitors
    2) 630V Tubular Axial Film Capacitors
    3) 630V Premium jb JFX Metalized Polypropylene
    4) 400V Premium jb JFX Metallized Polypropylene
    5) 630V 5% Polystyrene Tubular Axial Capacitors
    6) 1% 630V Polystyrene Tubular Axial Capacitors
    7) 1% 630V jb JFX Metallized Polypropylene
    8) 2% 630V Tubular Axial Film Capacitors
    9) 1000V Tubular Axial Film Capacitors
    10) 1600V Oval Axial Poly Film Capacitors
    11) 1600V Orange Dip Film Capacitors
    12) 6000V (and higher) Axial Film Capacitors
    13) 400V & 630V Green Dip Mylar Capacitors
    14) X1, Y2 and X1Y2 Safety Capacitors


    15) 25V & 50V Electrolytic Capacitors
    16) 160V, 250V & 350V Electrolytic Capacitors
    17) 450V, 500V & 600V Electrolytic Capacitors
    18) 500V Top Clamp Mount Can with Solder Lugs
    19) 500V Two Section Clamp Mount:Solder Lugs
    20) Capacitor Clamps: 18mm to 50mm (3/4"to 2")
    21) Non-Polar Axial Electrolytic Capacitors (100V)
    22) 500V 5% Dipped Silver Mica Capacitors
    23) 1% & 2% Precision 500V Silver Mica Capacitors
    24) 1000V 5% Dipped Silver Mica Capacitors
    25) 1600V & 2000V Ceramic Disc Capacitors
    26) Braided Silicone-Rubber Tubing:1/16" to 1/2"
    27) Heat-Shrinkable Tubing: 1/16" to 1/2"
    28) Radio Dial String/Cord: .031" to .06"

    1) .0005uF to 1uF



    15) .47uF to 10000uF


    2) .0005uF to 3uF



    16) 1uf to 200uF


    3) .0005uF to 10uF



    17) 1uF to 220uF


    4) 1uF to 47uF



    18) 10uF to 500uF


    5) 10pF to 10000pF



    19) 10uF to 100uF


    6) 100pF to 10000pF



    20) 3/4" to 2"


    7) .01uF to 2uF



    21) 1uF to 220uF


    8) .01uF to 2uF



    22) 1pF to 10000pF


    9) .001uF to .2uF



    23) 27pF to 1000pF


    10) .001uF to .5uF



    24) 5pF to 1100pF


    11) .001uF to 1uF



    25) .001uF to .047uF


    12) .00047 to .02uF



    26) 1/16" to 1/2"


    13) .001uF to .1uF



    27) 1/16" to 1/2"


    14) .001uF to .25uF



    28) .031" to .06"


    Capacitor Kit Descriptions

    Kits in US$ & include 8' heat-shrink.


    Resistor Kit Descriptions

    Kits include 8' shrink tubing & are in US$.


  • To add Resistors to your order before you Check-Out, please use our Resistor Shopping Cart
  • To add Classic Auricaps to your order before you Check-Out, please use our Auricap Shopping Cart
  • Prices, Terms and Product Availability are subject to change.
    The above capacitor prices effective January 2025.

  • Order Info re How to Order / Terms of Sale / Shipping
    Electrolytic Capacitors Dimensions and Temp Ratings
