radio_links Favorite LINKS (if you have a Vintage Electronics/Radio Site and would like to exchange links... email us to exchange links)

Links to:-* Vintage Radio / Electronics Resources* Radio Clubs * Museums, Collections & Sales* Radio Directories*

Vintage Radio RESOURCES
High Voltage Film & Electrolytic Capacitors for Tube Radios
RESISTORS for Tube Radios
resistor_kits Resistor KITS

resistor_kits Vintage Tube Radio Dial Belts
Phil's old Radios...Antique Radios and Memorabilia
Capacitor KITS for Tube Radio Restorations

ABC's of Safety Capacitors for Tube Radios

1 Watt Carbon Composition Resistors - New Production

2 Watt Carbon Composition Resistors - New Production
NOS Multi-Section Twist-Lock Electrolytic Capacitors
Dial Belts and Dial Cord for Vintage Tube Radios
Capacitor Clamps for Vertical Mount Can type Electrolytic Capacitors
JustRadios Smartphone Friendly Capacitor Shopping Cart
JustRadios Smartphone Friendly Resistor Shopping Cart
Vintage Music Company Repairs and Restores all types of Home Tube Audio Equipment
Vintage PA and Audio Amplifier Schematics and Service Data
Early Transistor Radio Circuit Diagrams
The Invention of Two-Way Radio
Capacitor KITS for Tube Radio Restorations
Grill Cloth Reproductions
World Tube Company - New and Used Vacuum Tubes
Mobile Friendly Capacitor Shopping Cart
Mobile Friendly Resistor Shopping Cart
Tubetec Analogue Electronics...valve and hybred specialist
Carbon Composition Resistor Shopping Cart
Old Radio Parts...old radio parts for sale
Vintage Electronics...Sales and Service of Vintage Stereo Equipment
Tonys CapacitorsTony's updated capacitor page.
Studio Electronics
Addison Radio Service Information
Vintage HAM / CB Radio Schematics / Service Info
Old Car Radio Schematics
JustRadios Reviews
Old TV Schematics & Service Manuals
Electronixand of Jon's Antique Radios and More
Studio Electronics
Comunidad Electronicos...La comunidad de los especialalistas en reparaciones electronicas
Heat Shrink Spaghetti Tubing for Tube Electronics
Vintage Style Braided Silicone-Rubber coated Fiberglass Spaghetti Tubing
Polystyrene Audiophile Capacitors
Service Data for Modular Hi-Fi and Stereo Components
Service Information for Older 8-Track and Cassette Players/Recorders
Schematics and Service Info for Tape Recorders (Reel to Reel, Cassette and Cartridge)
WJOE Radio
Bob's Radio and TV vintage auto radio expert out of California
Mouser Electronics Carbon Composition Resistors
Digikey 1W Carbon composition Resistors
Allied (now RS) Carbon Composition Resirtors
Newark Carbon Composition Resistors
Antique Electronics Supply 1W Carbon Composition Resistors
PayPal Capacitor Shopping Cart
micas Silver Mica Capacitors... 500 volt dipped silver mica capacitors now available
Antique Radio Forum
T-SAN Electronics...premiere source for your electronics needs
Capacitor uf-nF-pf Conversion Chart...a handy chart to tape this to your workbench
SALS Capacitors...Solid Aluminum Capacitors
Schematics and Service Information for Baldwin Electronic Tube Organs
Rogers Type M Radio Tube Substitution Information
Fusslin Verlag - German Radio Book Publisher
Studio Electronics Capacitors
Tubes @ supplier who sells world-wide
Buffer Capacitors for Vintage Car Radios
Radio Daze
Antique Radios Inc....sells ARBE-III Universal Battery Eliminator talking machines, music boxes, 78 RPM and cylinder records
Condensers for Tube Radios


Vintage Radio CLUBS

Michigan Antique Radio Club (MARC)...JustRadios is a proud Sponsor of the MARC website
Australian Vintage Radio Society Inc.
Ottawa Vintage Radio Club (OVRC)
The Antique Radio Club of Illinois
Antique Wireless Association (AWA)
Southeast Antique Radio Society...based in Atlanta Georgia. Great a web site!
California Historical Radio Society (CHRS)
Victor Amateur Radio Association (VARA)
London (Canada) Vintage Radio Club (LVRC)
Northland Antique Radio Club (NARC)
Alabama Historical Radio Society
Ontario (aka Toronto) Vintage Radio Association


Vintage Radio and Electronics MUSEUMS, COLLECTIONS & SALES
The New England Wireless and Steam Museum
The Pavek Museum of Broadcasting
Early Television Museum
Radiomuseum...Old radios and antique radios for collectors
OldAutoRadio...Radios for Oldtimer & Classic Cars
Pro Acoustics ...ceiling, in-wall & cabinet sprakers, amplifiers, microphones and more
CommUSA ... Two-Way Radios - Wireless Networking - CCTV - Accessories
the Radio Attic...find your old radio here!
John Pelham's Antique Radio Collection
F6BLK.NET....see some "beautiful" 1921-1927 receivers


Vintage Radio and Electronics DIRECTORIES
The DXZone... Amateur Radio Internet Guide
AC6V's...Amateur Radio and DX Reference Guide
ePanorama ... all about electronics

Do you repair vintage tube radios for others? Do you guarantee you work? Do you use guaranteed Capacitors & Resistors from JustRadios? If you would like to be listed below, please let us know. This section of our LINKS page is for those of you that are service professionals, but do not have a web-site.

Bridge Audio Service - Chris Bridge services "stereo equipment", tube and solid state - 905-877-7969 Email: (Georgetown, Ont.)
Antique Jukebox Restauration - Elvezio Mazza specializes in vintage tube Jukebox restorations - 450-474-4388 (Quebec, Canada)
Classic Radio Repair & More - by John De Wit. Pre 1980 (non digital) Radios. 519-777-7261 Email: (London, Ont.)
ROSS Antique Radios (Tube Radios & Hand Cranked Record Players) - Paul Ross 905-937-4538 (St Catherines, Ont.)
Vintage Radio and Electronics Repairs by Jim Lindenas 416-786-7002 Email: (Barie/Orillia/Muskoka, Ont.)
Antique Radio & TV Shop - has website link on this page - Tony Bartunek 705-723-5333 (Allenford, Ont.)
Transformer Rewinds- Don Tutt offers the rare art of "Transformer Rewinding" : 604-824-5711 (Chilliwack, BC)
Radio Hospital - Guaranteed Auto Radio Restorations by John Gillespie : 905-389-9843 (Hamilton, Ont.)
Hall Electronics - specializes in Delco radios and analog signal generator restorations: A. Hall (Cornelius, Oregon) Email:Ashley at
Tube Radio Repair Specialist - Michael Lewis - Oregon, WI, USA - email:

This page was last updated December, 2024.

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