Capacitors, Resistors and Schematics
Vintage PA, Audio and Guitar Amplifier Schematics and Service Data
We carry schematic diagrams and service data for vintage PA, Guitar and Audio
Amplifiers. Retore your vintage tube audio amplifiers, guitar and PA / public address amplifiers with the help of schematic / circuit diagrams and service data.
Vintage PA, Guitar and Audio Amplifier Schematics
We carry schematic diagrams / service information for vintage PA (public address), guitar and bass amplifiers and tube powered audio
amplifiers. Schematics are available for audio amplifiers made by
David Bogen, Operadio, RCA, Lafayette, Rauland, Ampicall, Sears Roebuck, Silvertone, Masco and many other PA and
audio amplifier manufacturers of the past. Please see below for list of all PA / Audio Amplifier Makes covered
Amplifier service information typically includes schematic, parts list, voltage readings and chassis layout.
We also carry USA, Canadian and European Antique Radio Schematics
How to Order PA / Guitar / Audio Amplifier Schematics Feel free to e-mail us at and we will let you know if we have a schematic diagram your vintage PA / Guitar / Audio Amplifier. Please tell us 4 things...(1) Brand, (2) Chassis/ Model #, (3) age (4) where made. Cost per tube based schematic is $8 US or $10 Cdn. These prices include postage to USA and Canada. Canadian residents please add the applicable HST/GST. You can pay online with credit card via Paypal or 2CheckOut. You can also send check or PO/MO payable to: David and Babylyn Cantelon, 6 Ferncrest Gate, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, M1W_1C2 |
Other JustRadios Services hot CAPACITORS for Tube Electronics
Transistor Radio Schematics Old TV Schematics Old Car Radio Circuit Diagrams |
We carry Vintage PA / Guitar / Audio Amplifier schematics for the below brands:
ADA, Admiral, Airline (Montgomery Wards), Air Castle, Air King, Alamo (Record Master), Allied Radio (Knight), Altec Lansing, American Communications, American Sound Products, Ampeg, Amplicall, Amplifier Corporation of America, Ansley, Apex, Arline, Associated Electronic, Atomite, Audar (Telvar), Audio Communications (Conversafone), Audio Development, Automatic Mucical Instrument, Automatic Projection (Soundview), Aviola
Beam Radionics, Belfone, Bell Sound Systems, Belmont, Berco, David Bogan (Communo-Phone), Brook, Brown-Ebinger (Berco) Bertoncini
Callmaster, Caltron, Cavalcade, Challenger Amplifier, Clark, Collins, Commun-A-Phone (Magic Phone), Communo-Phone (David Bogen), Concord, (Multiamp), Continental, Conversafone (Audio Communication), Coronada (Ganble-Skogmo), Crosley Division- Avco Mfg.
Danelectro, Dalmo Victor, Decca, De Vry, Duel, Dynovox
Eastern Amplifier, Eckstein, Effects, Electro-Accoustic Products Division of Magnavox, Electromatic, Electromuse, Electronic Design (Vocagraph), Electronic Devices, Electronic Laboratories, Electronic Trading Ellinwood, Elliot, Emerson, Epiphone, Espey
Fada, Federal (Select-A-Call), Federated Purchaser, Fender, Flash-A-Call, Flexifone
Galvin, Gamble-Skogmo (Coronado), Garod, General Electric, General Television, General Transformer, Gentlemen, Thomas B. Gibbs, Gibson, Goodell, B.F. Goodrich (Mantola), W.T. Grant (Grantline), L. Charlton Greene (Musical Master), Gretsch
Hamilton, Hammond Instrument (Solovox), Hagstrom, Harmony, Hohner
Inter-Communication System of America (Flash-A-Call), International
Jackson, Jefferson, Jewel, Jimkelly, Knight
Knight, Kalamazoo
Lafayette, Langevin, Lauhrek, Lewyt, Lyman (Callmaster), Lyon and Healy
Magic Phone, Magna Electronics (Magnatone), Mantola, Marshall, Masco, John Meck, Mectron, Meissner Division of Maguire Industries, Melcor, Mellaphone, Mercury Electronic Laboratories (Electromuse, Messa Boogie, Melcor, Starlet), Mills, Minnesota (Goodell), Montgomery Ward (Airline), Morley, Motiograph, Motorola, Movie-Mite, Multilamp, Musical Master, Musitron (L.H. Sandwick)
National Dobro (Supro), National Filben, R.W. Neill (Neill and Peterson), Nelge, Newark
Oahu, Operadio (Flexiphone), Optron, Orange
Packard Bell, Paia, Philco, Phil-Mar (Port-A-Voice), Pickering, Pilgrim, Plus Sound, Port-A-Fone, Port-A-Voice, Porto-Matic, Precision, Premier, Presto Recording
RCA (Radio Corporation of America), Radio Craftsmen, Radio Parts (Raparco), Radio Wire Television Inc. (Lafayette), Radolek, Rauland (Amplicall), Recordio (Wilcox-Gay), Record Master (Alamo), Regal (Tok Fone), Remler, Rock-Ola, Rockola, Rumble
Sandwick, Scott, Sears Roebuck (Silvertone), J.P. Seeburg, Select-A-Call, Selmer, Setchell Carlson, Sheridan, Silvertone, Mark Simpson (Masco), Solovox, Sonora, Sonotone, Sound City, Sound Inc. (Plus Sound), Soundview, Speak-)-Phone Recording, Spiegel, Starlet, Steelman, Story and Clark, Stromberg Carlson, Supro, Sunco, Sunet, Supro, Synphonic, Talk-A-Phone,
Telequip, Tele-Tone, Teletran, Telvar, Temple, Templetone, Thordardson, Tok Fone, Trace, Trav-Ler, Truetone (Western Auto Supply)
United Scientific Laboratories, Univov
Valco, Vocograph
Walker Jimieson, Walsh, Watkins, Watterson, Webster Chicago, Webster Electric, Wilcox-Gay, Worner, Rudolph Wurlitzer
This page was last updated April 2021.